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The Reka Foundation for Holiday Aid

Making holiday dreams come true for everyone

Solidarity with needy families is not only wishful thinking, but should really be part of our lives. We are committed to achieving this.

Why we are needed

When living conditions are precarious for families with young children, holidays are often just a dream. We want to change this. For over eighty years now, we have been standing up for the weaker sections of our society: we enable needy families to take a break from their daily routine.
Why holidays are essential
Girl looks sadly into the camera
A boy hiking with his father.

What we offer

The Reka Foundation for Holiday Aid makes holiday dreams come true. We support families and single mothers and fathers living in difficult socioeconomic circumstances. We open the doors of one of the Reka Holiday Villages for them and give them a week’s holiday in Switzerland. We also sup-port children and young people with a disability so that they can take part in holiday camps.
Our range of offers in detail

What you can do

People living in precarious conditions need our support. Help these families too with your donation. You will be giving joy and confidence to these mothers, fathers and children, as well as young people with disabilities. Warmest thanks!
Support them now
A little boy looks sadly out of a window.

Experiences thanks to the Reka Foundation for Holiday Aid